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The word for today is..

assiduous (adjective):

: showing great care, attention, and effort : marked by careful unremitting attention or persistent application

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology :Assiduous came to English directly from the Latin assiduus, an adjective derived from the verb assidere “to sit beside.” To the ancient Romans, assiduus carried meanings ranging from “settled or rooted in place” to “constantly present” to “persistent, unremitting.” This last sense was the one borrowed into English four hundred years ago and still used today, often in complimentary phrases such as “an assiduous student” and “assiduous efforts.” In the 18th century, the word took on a mildly pejorative meaning, “exhibiting a fawning attentiveness; obsequious,” when used of someone striving to please. This sense has largely passed out of use.

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