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The word for today is…

facsimile (noun):

1 : an exact copy
2 : a system of transmitting and reproducing graphic matter (such as printing or still pictures) by means of signals sent over telephone lines

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology :The facsimile machine (or fax machine) was an office staple, but its name is much, much older. Fac simile is a Latin phrase meaning “make alike.” English speakers began using facsimile to mean “an exact copy” in the late 1600s. In this sense, a facsimile might be a handwritten or hand-drawn copy, or even a copy of a painting or statue. (Today, we also use the phrase “a reasonable facsimile” for a copy that is fairly close but not exact.) In the 1800s, people developed facsimile technology that could reproduce printed material via telegraph. Now, of course, we use telephone lines or wireless technology, and we usually call the resulting facsimile a fax.

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