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The word for today is…

rancid (adjective):

1 : having an unpleasant smell or taste usually from chemical change or decomposition
2 : distinctly unpleasant or distasteful : offensive

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology :Rancid and putrid and fetid. While all three words are used to describe unpleasant smells and tastes, each also traces its roots to a “stinky” Latin word: rancid can be traced back to the Latin rancere; the root of putrid shares an ancestor with putere; and fetid comes from foetere—all verbs meaning “to stink.” Not long after entering the language in the early 17th century, rancid also developed a second, figurative sense which is used for non-gustatory and non-olfactory offenses, as in “rancid hypocrisy.”

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