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word of the day

The word for today is…

gibe (verb) – Jeer; taunt; deride.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : Confused about jibe and gibe? The distinction actually isn’t as clear-cut as some commentators would like it to be. Jibe is used both for the verb meaning “to be in accord” or “agree” (as in “the results do not jibe with those from other studies”) and for the nautical verb and noun referring to the act of shifting a sail from one side to the other (“jibe the mainsail,” “a risky jibe in heavy seas”). Gibe is used as a verb and noun for derisive teasing or taunting. But jibe is also a recognized variant of gibe, so it too has teasing or taunting uses. Gibe has been used occasionally as a variant of jibe, but the use is not common enough to warrant dictionary entry, and is widely considered an error.

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