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The word for today is…

misnomer (noun):

1 : the misnaming of a person in a legal instrument
2a : a use of a wrong or inappropriate name
b : a wrong name or inappropriate designation

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology :What’s in a name? Well, in some cases, a name will contain an error, a misunderstanding, or a mislabeling. Historians have long noted that the Holy Roman Empire was not holy, nor Roman, nor an empire. Misnomer can refer both to the use of an incorrect or inappropriate designation (as in “it’s a misnomer to call an orca a ‘killer whale’”) or to the designation itself. Regardless, there’s no mistaking the source of misnomer: it comes from the Anglo-French verb mesnomer (“to misname”) and ultimately has its roots in nomen, the Latin word for “name.”

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