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The word for today is…

spiel (verb, noun):

1 : to play music
2 : to talk volubly or extravagantly

: a voluble line of often extravagant talk

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology :Spiel is well-known as a noun, and you may also be aware that spiel can be used as a verb meaning “to talk extravagantly,” but did you know that the verb can also mean “to play music”? That, in fact, is the word’s original meaning, and one it shares with its German root, spielen. (Spiel is also found in glockenspiel, the name of a musical instrument similar to the xylophone.) In Scottish English, spiel is also sometimes used as a shortened form of bonspiel, which refers to a match or tournament of the icy game of curling.

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