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The word for today is…

writhe (verb):

1a : to twist into coils or folds
b : to twist so as to distort : wrench
c : to twist (the body or a bodily part) in pain
2 : intertwine

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology :Writhe wound its way to us from the Old English verb writhan, meaning “to twist,” and that ancestral meaning lives on in the word’s current uses, most of which have to do with twists of one kind or another. Among the oldest of these uses is the meaning “to twist into coils or folds,” but in modern use writhing is more often about the physical contortions of one suffering from debilitating pain or attempting to remove oneself from a tight grasp (as, say, a snake from a hawk’s talons). The word is also not infrequently applied to the twisting bodies of dancers. The closest relation of writhe in modern English lacks any of the painful connotations often present in writhe: wreath comes from Old English writha, which shares an ancestor with wr?than.

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