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The word for today is…

sepulchre (noun, verb):

1 : a place of burial : tomb
2 : a receptacle for religious relics especially in an altar

1 archaic : to place in or as if in a sepulchre : bury
2 archaic : to serve as a sepulchre for

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology :The earliest evidence in our files traces sepulchre (also spelled sepulcher) back to Middle English around the beginning of the 13th century. It was originally spelled sepulcre, as it was in Anglo-French. Like many words borrowed into English from French, sepulchre has roots buried in Latin; in this case the root is sepelire, a verb meaning “to bury.” Sepultus, the past participle of sepelire, gave us—also by way of Anglo-French—the related noun sepulture, a synonym of burial and sepulchre, but one whose contemporary use is much rarer.

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