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The word for today is…

gauche (adjective):

1a: lacking social experience or grace
b: crudely made or done
2: not planar – e.g.gauche conformation of molecules

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology :Although it doesn’t mean anything sinister, gauche is one of several words (including sinister) with ties to old suspicions and negative associations relating to the left side and use of the left hand. In French, gauche literally means “left,” and it has the extended meanings “awkward” and “clumsy.” These meanings may have come about because left-handed people could appear awkward trying to manage in a mostly right-handed world, or perhaps because right-handed people appear awkward when trying to use their left hand. Regardless, awkwardness is a likely culprit. Fittingly, awkward itself comes from the Middle English awke, meaning “turned the wrong way” or “left-handed.” On the other hand, adroit and dexterity have their roots in words meaning “right” or “on the right side.” Your BFD WOTD collator is left handed but doesnt regard himself as gauche.

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