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The word for today is…

motley (adjective, noun):

1: variegated in color
2: made up of many different people or things

1: a woolen fabric of mixed colors made in England between the 14th and 17th centuries
2: a garment made of motley – especially the characteristic dress of the professional fool
3: jester, fool
4: a mixture especially of incongruous elements

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology :The word motley wears many colorful hats, each having a distinct use. As an adjective it implies variety, be it in hues or humans. As a noun it can identify an eclectic variety, a multicolored fabric, a garment made from such a fabric, or the jester known for wearing such garments in the European courts of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The word’s origin is unknown, but some etymologists suspect that Middle English mot, meaning “mote” or “speck,” may be its source.

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