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word of the day

The word for today is…

viridity (noun) – The quality or condition of being green, especially as manifested in vegetation.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : Viridity is simply a highfalutin way to say “greenness” in both its literal and figurative senses. Greenness goes all the way back to Old English gr?nnes, from gr?ne (“green”), a word akin to Old English gr?wan (“to grow”). Viridity did not enter the language until the 15th century, when it was adopted into Middle English as viridite. The ultimate source of viridity is Latin viriditas (“greenness”), itself drawn from the root viridis (“green”). Viridis is also the source (by way of Middle French verdoyant) of English verdant, as well as verdancy, yet another fancy synonym for “greenness.”

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