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word of the day

The word for today is…

berserk (adj) – 1. Destructively or frenetically violent: a berserk worker who started smashing all the windows.
2. Mentally or emotionally upset; deranged: berserk with grief.
3. Informal Unrestrained, as with enthusiasm or appetite; wild: berserk over chocolates.

(noun) – 1. One that is violent, upset, or unrestrained.
2. A berserker.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : Berserk comes from Old Norse berserkr, which combines ber- (“bear”) and serkr (“shirt”). According to Norse legend, berserkrs were warriors who wore bearskin coverings and worked themselves into such frenzies during combat that they became immune to the effects of steel and fire. Berserk was borrowed into English (first as a noun and later as an adjective) in the 19th century, when interest in Scandinavian myth and history was high. It was considered a slang term at first, but it has since gained broader acceptance.

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