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The word for today is…

speculate (verb):

1a: to meditate on or ponder a subject : reflect
b: to review something idly or casually and often inconclusively
2: to assume a business risk in hope of gain

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology :It might be said that what separates our species from others is our tendency “to meditate on or ponder a subject.” That’s the original 16th century meaning of speculate. It’s a use not too distant from today’s most common sense, which also involves the mind and thinking: when someone speculates about something, they think and make guesses about it, often forming ideas or theories when there are many things not known about the thing. But the origins of speculate lie not in thinking but in looking—the word comes from Latin specere, meaning “to look,” or “to look at.” We don’t have to look far to find other specere descendants; inspection, spectacle, spectrum, specimen, perspective, despise, prospect, and species.

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