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The word for today is…

precocious (adjective):

1: exceptionally early in development or occurrence
2: exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology :Precocious got its start in Latin when the prefix prae-, meaning “ahead of,” was combined with the verb coquere, meaning “to cook” or “to ripen.” Together, they formed the adjective praecox, which meant “early ripening” or “premature.” By the mid-1600s, English speakers had turned praecox into precocious and were using it especially to describe plants that produced blossoms before their leaves came out. Within decades, precocious was also being used to describe humans who developed skills or talents sooner than others typically did. Pop music lovers may recall the lyric “She’s precocious!” from “Bette Davis Eyes,” although the song itself was something of a late bloomer: originally released in 1974 by Jackie DeShannon (and cowritten by DeShannon and Donna Weiss), it didn’t become a hit until Kim Carnes’ Grammy Award-winning version was released in 1981.

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