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The word for today is…
impromptu (adjective, noun):

1: made, done, or formed on or as if on the spur of the moment : improvised
2: composed or uttered without previous preparation : extemporaneous

1: something that is impromptu
2: a musical composition suggesting improvisation

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Impromptu most often describes things, such as speeches or gatherings, that are not prepared ahead of time but that instead happen spontaneously. An impromptu concert or photoshoot, for example, is conceived and executed in the moment. Impromptu was borrowed—spelling, meaning, and all—from French in the mid-18th century. The French had gotten the word from Latin, from the phrase in promptu, meaning “in readiness.” But the presence of prompt in there is no coincidence: both impromptu and prompt are ultimately derived from the Latin promere, meaning “to bring forth, take out.”

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