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The word for today is…

cahoot (noun):

plural cahoots – informal
: partnership, league
– usually used in plural
– usually used in phrase like in cahoots to describe people or groups working together or making plans together in secret

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Cahoot is used almost exclusively in the phrase “in cahoots,” which means “in an alliance or partnership.” In most contexts, it describes the conspiring activity of people up to no good. (There’s also the rare idiom go cahoots, meaning “to enter into a partnership,” as in “they went cahoots on a new restaurant.”) “Cahoot” may derive from French cahute, meaning “cabin” or “hut,” suggesting the notion of two or more people hidden away working together in secret. “Cahute” is believed to have been formed through the combination of two other words for cabins and huts, “cabane” and “hutte.”

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