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The word for today is…

factotum (noun):

1: a person having many diverse activities or responsibilities
2: a general servant

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : “Do everything!” That’s a tall order, but it is exactly what a factotum is expected to do. It’s also a literal translation of the Latin phrase fac totum: the phrase is usually glossed as “do all!” with the punctuation expressing the force behind the command. (Fac is an imperative form of facere, “to make, do,” and totum means “the whole, entirety.”) When it first appeared in English in the mid-16th century, factotum was frequently paired with other words in such phrases as dominus/domine factotum (“lord/lady” factotum), magister factotum (“master” factotum), and Johannes factotum (“John” factotum), all approximate synonyms of the slightly younger term jack-of-all-trades. While in the past factotum could also be synonymous with meddler and busybody, the word today refers to a handy, versatile sort anyone in need of an assistant might hope for.

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