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The word for today is…

carouse (verb, noun):

1: to drink liquor freely or excessively
2: to take part in a carouse : engage in dissolute behavior


1: a drunken revel
2 archaic : a large draft of liquor

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Sixteenth-century English revelers toasting each other’s health sometimes drank a brimming mug of booze straight to the bottom—drinking an “all-out,” they called it. German tipplers did the same and used the German expression for “all out”—gar aus. The French adopted the German term as carous, using the adverb in their expression boire carous (“to drink all out”). That phrase, with its idiomatic sense of “to empty the cup,” led to carrousse, a French noun meaning “a large draft of liquor.” And that’s where English speakers picked up carouse in the 1500s, using it first as a direct borrowing of the French noun, which later took on the sense of a general “drunken revel,” and then as a verb meaning “to drink freely.” The verb later developed the “rowdy partying” use familiar to us today.

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