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The word for today is…

fruition (noun):

1: pleasurable use or possession : enjoyment
2a: the state of bearing fruit
 b: realization

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Fruition must come from the word fruit, right? Not exactly—the apple falls a little further from the tree than one might think. Fruition and fruit are related (both ultimately come from the Latin verb frui, meaning “to enjoy”), but they came about independently. The original meaning of fruition had nothing to do with fruit. Rather, when the term was first used in the 15th century, it meant only “pleasurable use or possession,” as when playwright and Shakespeare contemporary Christopher Marlowe wrote of “the sweet fruition of an earthly crown.” Not until several centuries later did fruition develop a second meaning, “the state of bearing fruit,” possibly as the result of a mistaken assumption that fruition evolved from fruit. The “state of bearing fruit” sense was followed quickly by the figurative application to anything that can be “realized” and metaphorically bear fruit, such as a plan or a project.

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