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The word for today is…

bravado (noun):

1a: blustering swaggering conduct
b: a pretense of bravery
2: the quality or state of being foolhardy

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Displays of bravado may be show-offish, daring, reckless, and inconsistent with good sense—take, for example, the spectacular feats of stuntpeople—but when successful they are still likely to be met with shouts of “bravo!” Celebrities, political leaders, corporate giants, and schoolyard bullies, however, may show a different flavor of bravado: one that suggests an overbearing boldness that comes from arrogance or a position of power. The word bravado originally comes from the Old Italian adjective bravo, meaning “wild” or “courageous,” which English has also to thank for the more ubiquitous brave.

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