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The word for today is…

illustrious (adjective):

1: notably or brilliantly outstanding because of dignity or achievements or actions : eminent
2 archaic
a: shining brightly with light
b: clearly evident

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Today’s spotlight is on illustrious, from the Latin adjective illustris, meaning “shining brightly with light.” Illustris itself was probably a back-formation of the Latin verb illustrare, a word with varied meanings, among them “to light up,” “to make clear,” and “to embellish.” (Our word illustrate also comes from illustrare, of course; its original meaning was “to enlighten intellectually, culturally, or spiritually.”) At one time, illustrious could be used synonymously with its immediate Latin forbear to describe things that glow brightly, but that meaning is now considered archaic. The word today is almost exclusively used to describe something—such as a career or achievement—that stands out figuratively, shining brilliantly in the mind’s eye.

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