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word of the day

The word for today is…

nabob (noun) – 1. A governor in India under the Mughal Empire. Also called nawab.
2. A person of wealth and prominence.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : In India’s Mogul Empire, founded in the 16th century, provincial governors carried the Urdu title of naw?b. In 1612, Captain Robert Coverte published a report of his “discovery” of “the Great Mogoll, a prince not till now knowne to our English nation.” The Captain informed the English-speaking world that “An earle is called a Nawbob,” thereby introducing the English version of the word. Nabob, as it thereafter came to be spelled, gained its extended sense of “a prominent person” in the 18th century, when it was applied sarcastically to British officials of the East India Company returning home after amassing great wealth in Asia. The word was perhaps most famously used by Vice President Spiro Agnew, in a 1970 speech written by William Safire, when he referred to critical members of the news media as “nattering nabobs of negativism.”

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