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The word for today is…

hoi polloi (plural noun):
1: the general populace : masses
2: people of distinction or wealth or elevated social status : elite

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Since hoi polloi is a transliteration of the Greek for “the many,” some critics have asserted that the phrase should not be preceded by the. They find “the hoi polloi” to be redundant, equivalent to “the the many”—an opinion that fails to recognize that hoi means nothing at all in English. Nonetheless, the opinion has influenced the omission of the in the usage of some writers. But most writers use the, which is normal English grammar. A number of critics also warn against the use of hoi polloi in sense 2, a sense that directly contradicts its original meaning. The sense is not commonly covered in dictionaries, but it does appear—albeit rare. We first heard of this sense in the early 1950s, when it was reported to be well established in spoken use in such diverse locales as central New Jersey, southern California, Cleveland, Ohio, and Las Vegas, Nevada. Several members of our editorial staff at that time also testified to its common occurrence, and evidence in the years since strongly suggests that this sense of hoi polloi continues to be frequently used in speech. We do not know for certain how this new sense originated, but one possibility is that it developed out of the inherent snobbery of hoi polloi. In its original and primary sense, hoi polloi is a term used by snobs or—more often—in mocking imitation of snobs. Even its sound has a quality of haughtiness and condescension (much like that of hoity-toity, a term that underwent a similar extension of meaning in the 20th century, from its former sense, “frivolous,” to its current sense, “marked by an air of superiority”). It may be that people unfamiliar with the meaning of hoi polloi, but conscious of its strong associations with snobbery, misunderstood it as an arrogant term for the haves rather than a contemptuous term for the have-nots, thus giving rise to its newer, contradictory sense.

In Greek, hoi polloi means simply “the many”. (Even though hoi itself means “the”, in English we almost always say “the hoi polloi”.) It comes originally from the famous Funeral Oration by Pericles, where it was actually used in a positive way. Today it’s generally used by people who think of themselves as superior—though it’s also sometimes used in Pericles’ democratic spirit. By the way, it has no relation to hoity-toity, meaning “stuck-up”, which starts with the same sound but has nothing to do with Greek.

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