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The word for today is…

myrmidon (noun):

1 capitalized : a member of a legendary Thessalian people who accompanied their king Achilles in the Trojan War
2: a loyal follower

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : The Myrmidons, legendary inhabitants of Thessaly in Greece, were known for their fierce devotion to Achilles, the king who led them in the Trojan War. Myrmex means “ant” in Greek, an image that evokes small and insignificant workers mindlessly fulfilling their duties. Whether the original Myrmidons were given their name for that reason is open to question. The “ant” association is strong, however. Some say the name is from a legendary ancestor who once had the form of an ant; others say the Myrmidons were actually transformed from ants. In any case, since the 1400s, we’ve employed myrmidon in its not-always-complimentary, ant-evoking, figurative sense.

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