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The word for today is…

hangar (noun, verb):

: shelter, shed – especially : a covered and usually enclosed area for housing and repairing aircraft

: to place or store in a hangar

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Borrowed from French, “shed open on one or more sides for storing agricultural products, farm implements, and vehicles,” going back to Middle French, perhaps going back to Old Low Franconian haimgarda- “enclosure around a building,” going back to West Germanic haima- “dwelling” + garda- “enclosure”. The French form occurs earliest as a place name, Hangart (1135), in Somme department. Though the persistent attestation of the word with initial h-, diachronically and in dialects, is a certain indication of Germanic origin, the fact that such a compound is apparently not attested as a generic word or place-name in a Germanic language renders the etymology speculative.

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