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The word for today is…

pontificate (verb, noun):

1: to speak or express opinions in a pompous or dogmatic way
2a: to officiate as a pontiff
b: to celebrate pontifical mass

: the state, office, or term of office of a pontiff

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : In ancient Rome, a pontifex (plural pontifices) was a member of an important council of priests. With the rise of Catholicism, the title pontifex was transferred to the Pope and to Catholic bishops. From pontifex, by way of Medieval Latin, comes the English verb pontificate, which in the early 1800s meant “to officiate as a pontiff”—that is, as a bishop or Pope. (Note that the noun pontificate), which refers to the state, office, or term of office of a pontiff had been borrowed directly from Latin in the 15th century.) By the late 1800s, pontificate was also being used derisively for lay individuals who spoke as if they had the authority of a member of the clergy. To this day the word connotes an air of spurious superiority.

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