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The word for today is…

omnipotent (adjective, noun):


1 often capitalized : almighty
2: having virtually unlimited authority or influence
3 obsolete : arrant

1: one who has unlimited power or authority : one who is omnipotent
2: capitalized : god

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : The word omnipotent made its way into English through Anglo-French, but it ultimately comes from a combination of the Latin prefix omni-, meaning “all,” and the word potens, meaning “potent.” The omni- prefix has also given us similar words such as omniscient (meaning “all-knowing”) and omnivorous (describing one that eats both plants and animals). Although omnipotent is most often used in general contexts to mean “having virtually unlimited authority or influence” (as in “an omnipotent ruler”), it was originally applied specifically to the power held by an almighty deity. The word has been used as an English adjective since the 14th century, and since the 16th century it has also been used as a noun referring to one who is omnipotent.

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