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The word for today is…

extraneous (adjective):

1: existing on or coming from the outside
2a: not forming an essential or vital part
b: having no relevance
3: being a number obtained in solving an equation that is not a solution of the equation

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology :Extraneous has been a part of the English language since at least the mid-1600s, and that it comes from the Latin word extraneus, which means “not belonging to one’s family or household; external.” Extraneus—a combination of the Latin adverb/preposition extre (“outside” or “beyond”) and adjective suffix -aneus—is also the root of the English words strange and estrange; its influence is even more obvious in the Spanish adjective extrano, meaning “strange.” The “outside/beyond” senses of extra are also evident in non-extraneous English words like extraterrestrial, which refers to a creature originating from “outside” planet Earth, and extrajudicial, which describes something “beyond” what is allowed by a court

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