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word of the day

The word for today is…

emblem (noun) – 1. A distinctive badge, design, or device.
2. An object or representation that functions as a symbol.
3. An allegorical picture usually inscribed with a verse or motto presenting a moral lesson.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : Both emblem and its synonym symbol trace back to the Greek verb bállein, meaning “to throw.” Emblem arose from embállein, meaning “to insert,” while symbol comes from symbállein, Greek for “to throw together.” Bállein is also an ancestor of the words parable (from parabállein, “to compare”), metabolism (from metabállein, “to change”), and problem (from probállein, “to throw forward”). Another, somewhat surprising, bállein descendant is devil, which comes from Greek diabolos, literally meaning “slanderer.” Diabolos in turn comes from diabállein, meaning “to throw across” or “to slander.”

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