The word for today is…
mien (noun):
1: air or bearing especially as expressive of attitude or personality : demeanor
2: appearance, aspect
Source : Merriam -Webster
Etymology : Mien is a somewhat literary term that refers to a person’s appearance and behavior toward others—that is, their outward manner or demeanor. Mien and demeanor are also linked through etymology: mien arose in the early 1500s through the shortening and alteration of the rare verb demean, meaning “to conduct or behave (oneself) usually in a proper manner.” The source of demean is a Middle English word meaning (among other things) “to behave in a certain way; to conduct oneself”; that word’s Anglo-French source, demener, could mean (also among other things) “to lead,” “to strive,” “to guide,” and “to behave.” Note that the “behave” demean related to demeanor and mien is not related to the more common demean that means “to debase”; that word has its roots in an Old English word meaning “common, shared.”
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