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The word for today is…

exigent (adjective):

1: requiring immediate aid or action
2: requiring or calling for much : demanding

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Exigent is a formal word with meanings closely tied to its Latin forbear, exigere, meaning “to demand.” Exigent things and people demand attention—for example, an exigent client expects so much that they are hard to satisfy, and exigent circumstances are so significant that they can be used to justify certain police actions without the warrant typically required. Before exigent joined the language in the early 1600s, the noun exigency was being used to refer to something that is necessary in a particular situation—for example, the exigencies of an emergency situation might require that certain usual precautions be ignored. That word dates to the late 1500s, but even earlier, in the mid-1400s, exigence was on the scene doing the same job. All three words—exigent, exigency, and exigence—continue to meet the demands of English users, albeit not frequently in everyday conversation.

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