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The word for today is…

woebegone (adjective):

1: strongly affected with woe : woeful
2a: exhibiting great woe, sorrow, or misery
b: being in a sorry state

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : At first glance, woebegone looks like a word that has its meaning backwards; after all, if begone means “go away,” shouldn’t woebegone mean “devoid of woe,” or “happy”? Not exactly. The word comes from the Middle English phrase wo begon. The wo in this phrase does indeed mean “woe,” but begon means “beset.” Someone who is woebegone, therefore, is beset with woe. Since the mid-1700s, the word has also been used to describe things that appear to express sadness, as in “the woebegone look on his face when he misplaced his favorite dictionary.”

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