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word of the day

The word for today is…

lorn (adj) – (Archaic) Abandoned; forlorn.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : Lorn and forlorn are synonyms that mean “desolate” or “forsaken.” The similarity in form and meaning of the two words is hardly a coincidence. Lorn comes down to us from loren, the Middle English past participle of the verb lesen (“to lose”), itself a descendant of the Old English l?osan. Similarly, forlorn comes from the Middle English forloren, a descendant of the Old English verb forl?osan, which also means “to lose.” The for- in forlorn is an archaic prefix meaning, among other things, “completely,” “excessively,” or “to exhaustion.” Nowadays, forlorn is considerably more common than lorn. Lorn does, however, appear as the second element in the compound lovelorn (“bereft of love or of a lover”).

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