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The word for today is…

portmanteau (noun, adjective):

1: a word or part of a word made by combining the spellings and meanings of two or more other words or word parts (such as smog from smoke and fog)
2: a large suitcase

: combining more than one element, use, or quality

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : In Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass, Alice asks Humpty Dumpty to explain words from the nonsense poem “Jabberwocky” and is told that slithy is “like a portmanteau-there are two meanings packed up into one word.” Although slithy hasn’t caught on (it’s made up of slimy and lithe, according to Humpty Dumpty), another portmanteau invented by Carroll has in fact found a place in the language: chortle (supposedly from chuckle and snort). English includes other portmanteaus, too, such as brunch (breakfast and lunch) and dramedy (drama and comedy). Following Carroll’s lead, English speakers have come to call these fairly common words by the not-so-common name for a type of traveling bag with two compartments. The technical (and simpler) term for such words is blend.

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