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The word for today is…

accolade (noun):

1a: a mark of acknowledgment : award
b: an expression of praise
2a: a ceremonial embrace
b: a ceremony or salute conferring knighthood
3 music : a brace or a line used in music to join two or more staffs carrying simultaneous parts

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Accolade joined English in the 16th century from the Middle French noun acolade, which in turn comes from the verb accoler, meaning “to embrace.” When it was first borrowed from French, accolade referred to a ceremonial embrace that formally conferred knighthood. The term was later extended to other ceremonial acts conferring knighthood (such as the familiar touching of the shoulders with the flat part of a sword’s blade), and then to other ceremonies marking the recognition of a special merit, distinction, or achievement. Today it refers more broadly to an award or expression of praise.

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