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he word for today is…

kindred (adjective , noun):

1: of a similar nature or character : like
2: of the same ancestry

1a: a group of related individuals
b: one’s relatives
2: family relationship : kinship

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Family—both ancestral and in spirit—is what puts the “kin” in kindred. This word comes from the Old English noun for “kinship,” cynraeden, which combines cynn (meaning “kin”) and cynraeden, meaning “condition.” Kindred first entered English as a noun during the Middle Ages. That noun, which can refer to a group of related individuals or to one’s own relatives, gave rise to the adjective kindred in the 14th century. Other words akin to kin include kinfolk (and kinsfolk), kinship, kinsman, and kinswoman.

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