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The word for today is…

rescind (verb):

1: to take away : remove
2a: take back, cancel
b: to abrogate (a contract) and restore the parties to the positions they would have occupied had there been no contract
3: to make void by action of the enacting authority or a superior authority : repeal

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Rescind and the lesser-known words exscind and prescind all come from the Latin verb scindere, which means “to cut” or “to split.” Rescind was adapted from its Latin predecessor rescindere in the 16th century, and prescind (from praescindere) and exscind (from exscindere) followed in the next century. Exscind means “to cut off” or “to excise,” and prescind means “to withdraw one’s attention,” but of the three borrowings, only rescind established itself as a common English term. Today, rescind is most often heard in contexts having to do with someone rescinding a contract or an offer, or with a legislative body rescinding a law.

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