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The word for today is…

aegis (noun):

1: a shield or breastplate emblematic of majesty that was associated with Zeus and Athena
2a: protection
b: controlling or conditioning
3a: auspices, sponsorship
b: control or guidance especially by an individual, group, or system

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : English borrowed aegis from Latin, but the word ultimately comes from the Greek noun aigís, meaning “goatskin.” In ancient Greek mythology, an aegis was something that offered physical protection. It has been depicted in various ways, including as a magical protective cloak made from the skin of the goat that suckled Zeus as an infant, and as a shield fashioned by Hephaestus that bore the severed head of the Gorgon Medusa. The word first entered English in the 15th century as a noun referring to the shield or breastplate associated with Zeus or Athena. It later took on a more general sense of “protection” and, by the late-19th century, it had acquired the extended senses of “auspices” and “sponsorship.”

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