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word of the day

The word for today is…

stalwart (adj) – 1. Loyal and resolute.
2. 2. Strong and imposing.

(noun) – One who steadfastly supports an organisation or cause.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : Sometime in the 15th century, English speakers began to use stalwart in place of the older form stalworth. Although stalworth is now archaic, it laid the groundwork for today’s meaning of stalwart. During the 12th century, forms of stalworth began to be used to describe strongly built people or animals (a meaning stalwart carries). It also came to be used as an adjective for people who showed bravery or courage (likewise a meaning passed on to stalwart). So, in a way, stalwart has been serviceable in keeping the spirit of stalworth alive. This character of stalwart is true to its roots. Stalworth came from the Old English word st?lwierthe (meaning “serviceable”), which, in turn, is thought to come from terms meaning “foundation” and “worth.”

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