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word of the day

The word for today is…

tractable (adj) – 1. Easily managed or controlled; governable.
2. Easily handled or worked; malleable.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : Docile, obedient, and amenable are synonyms of tractable, but those four words have slightly different shades of meaning. Tractable describes an individual whose character permits easy handling, while docile implies a predisposition to submit readily to authority. Obedient is often used to describe compliance with authority, although that compliance is not necessarily offered eagerly. Amenable, on the other hand, is usually used when someone cooperates out of a desire to be agreeable. Tractable dates from the early 16th century and derives from the Latin verb tractare (“to handle” or “to treat”). Despite the resemblance, this root did not give us the noun tractor or verbs such as contract or attract—those all derive from a loosely related Latin verb trahere (“to draw or pull”).

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