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word of the day

The word for today is…

punctilio (noun) – 1. A fine point of etiquette.
2. Precise observance of formalities.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : We’ll get straight to the point: there are a number of English words that come from Latin pungere, meaning “to prick” or “to sting.” Punctilio is one of these words. It traces back to pungere by way of Italian puntiglio (meaning “small point,” “point of honor,” or “scruple”), Spanish puntillo (the diminutive of punto, meaning “point”), and Latin punctum (also meaning “point”). The adjective punctilious, meaning “marked by or concerned about precise accordance with the details of codes or conventions,” is a close relative of punctilio. Do you have any guesses for other pungere derivatives? Punctuate, puncture, compunction, punctual, and pungent are some of the more common ones.

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