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word of the day

The word for today is…

testimonial (noun) – 1. A statement in support of a particular truth, fact, or claim.

  1. A written affirmation of another’s character or worth; a personal recommendation.
  2. Something given in appreciation of a person’s service or achievement; a tribute.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : In 1639, Scottish poet William Drummond responded to the politics of his day with a facetious set of new laws, including one stipulating that “no man wear a … periwig, unless he have a testimonial from a town-clerk, that he is either bald, sickly, or asham’d of white hairs.” Testimonials take different forms, but always, like in Drummond’s faux law, they provide affirmation or evidence. (Testimonial traces to Latin testimonium, meaning “evidence” or “witness.”) In the 19th century, testimonial developed a new use, referring to a tribute—that is, a gift presented as a public expression of appreciation. Today, testimonial is most often used to refer to a statement that endorses a product or service.

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