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word of the day

The word for today is…

harry (verb) –

1 : to make a pillaging or destructive raid on
2 : to force to move along by harassing
3 : to torment by or as if by constant attack

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Was there once a warlike man named Harry who is the source for the verb harry? One particularly belligerent Harry does come to mind: Shakespeare once described how “famine, sword, and fire” accompanied “the warlike Harry,” England’s King Henry the Fifth. But neither this king nor any of his namesakes are the source for the verb. Rather, harry (or a word resembling it) has been a part of English for as long as there has been anything that could be called English. It took the form hergian in Old English and harien in Middle English, passing through numerous variations before finally settling into its modern spelling. The word’s Old English ancestors are related to Old High German words herion (“to lay waste”) and heri (“army”).

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