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word of the day

The word for today is…

affluent (adjective) –

1 : having an abundance of goods or riches : wealthy
2 : flowing in abundance

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Are your coffers overflowing? Is your cash flow more than adequate? Are your assets fluid? If so, you can consider yourself affluent. Affluent is all about flow—that is to say, it’s based on the Latin word for “flow,” which is fluere. (Some other fluere descendants are confluence, fluctuate, fluid, influence, mellifluous, and superfluous.) The older sense of affluent refers, both literally and figuratively, to an abundant flow, as in “an affluent fountain” or “affluent joy.” The use of “affluent fortune” for an abundant flow of money is what likely led to the use of affluent as a synonym of wealthy.

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