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word of the day

The word for today is…

fugitive (adjective, noun):

1 : running away or intending flight
2 : moving from place to place
3a : being of short duration
b : difficult to grasp or retain
c : likely to evaporate, deteriorate, change, fade, or disappear

1 : a person who flees or tries to escape:

2 : something elusive or hard to find

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Fugitive was adopted into English as both a noun and an adjective in the 14th century. Both forms came to Middle English by way of Middle French from the Latin adjective fugitivus. Fugitivus, in turn, comes from fugitus, the past participle of the verb fugere, meaning “to flee.” Since its adoption, the noun fugitive has been used to identify a motley group of individuals: runaway slaves and soldiers, on-the-run criminals, exiles, refugees, and vagabonds. Eventually, it also developed a less commonly used extended sense for things which are difficult to find or pin down.

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