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word of the day

The word for today is…

suborn (verb):

1 : to induce secretly to do an unlawful thing
2 : to induce to commit perjury

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : The Latin word that gave us suborn in the early part of the 16th century is subornare, which translates literally as “to secretly furnish or equip.” The sub- that brings the “secretly” meaning to subornare more commonly means “under” or “below,” but it has its stealthy denotation in the etymologies of several other English words, including surreptitious (from sub- and rapere, meaning “to seize”) and the verb suspect (from sub- or sus- and specere, meaning “to look at”). The ornare of subornare is also at work in the words ornate, adorn, and ornament.

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