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word of the day

The word for today is…

precarious (adjective):

characterized by uncertainty, insecurity, or instability that threatens with danger.

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : “This little happiness is so very precarious, that it wholly depends on the will of others”. Joseph Addison, in a 1711 issue of Spectator magazine, couldn’t have described the oldest sense of precarious more precisely – the original meaning of the word was “depending on the will or pleasure of another.” Prayers and entreaties directed at that “other” might or might not help, but what precariousness really hangs on, in the end, is prex, the Latin word for prayer. From prex came the Latin word precarius, meaning “obtained by entreaty,” from whence came our own adjective precarious. Anglo-French priere, also from precarius, gave us prayer.

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