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word of the day

The word for today is…

cavalier (adjective , noun):

: marked by or given to offhand and often disdainful dismissal of important matters – a cavalier attitude toward money, has a cavalier disregard for the rights of others
2 : debonair
3a capitalized : of or relating to the party of Charles I of England in his struggles with the Puritans and Parliament

1 : a gentleman trained in arms and horsemanship
2 : a mounted soldier
3 capitalized : an adherent of Charles I of England
4 : a lady’s escort or dancing partner

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : According to a dictionary prepared by Thomas Blount in 1656, a cavalier was “a knight or gentleman, serving on horseback, a man of arms.” That meaning is true to the history of the noun, which traces back to the Late Latin word caballarius, meaning “horseman.” By around 1600, it had also come to denote “a roistering, swaggering fellow.” In the 1640s, English Puritans applied it disdainfully to their adversaries, the swashbuckling Royalist followers of Charles I, who sported longish hair and swords. Although some thought those cavaliers “several sorts of Malignant Men,… ready to commit all manner of Outrage and Violence,” others saw them as quite suave—which may explain why cavalier can be either complimentary or a bit insulting.

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