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word of the day

The word for today is…

venal (adjective):

1 : capable of being bought or obtained for money or other valuable consideration : especially open to corrupt influence and, especially, bribery
2 : originating in, characterized by, or associated with corrupt bribery

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : If you are given the choice between acts that are “venal” and those that are “venial,” go for the venial. Although the two words look and sound alike, they have very different meanings and histories. “Venal” demonstrates the adage that anything can be had if the price is high enough and the morals are low enough. That word originated with the Latin venum, which simply referred to something that was sold or for sale. Some of those transactions must have been rather shady, because by the mid-1600s, “venal” had gained the sense of corruption it carries today. “Venial” sins, on the other hand, are pardonable, the kind that show that everyone makes mistakes sometimes. That forgiving term descends from “venia,” Latin for favor, “indulgence,” or “pardon.”

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