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word of the day

The word for today is…

galvanize (verb):

1 : to cause (people) to become so excited or concerned about an issue, idea, etc., that they want to do something about it
2 : to cause (a force that is capable of causing change) to become active
3 technical : to cover (steel or iron) with a layer of zinc to prevent it from rusting

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Luigi Galvani was an Italian physician and physicist who, in the 1770s, studied the electrical nature of nerve impulses by applying electrical stimulation to frogs’ leg muscles, causing them to contract. Although Galvani’s theory that animal tissue contained an innate electrical impulse was disproven, the French word galvanisme came to describe a current of electricity especially when produced by chemical action. English borrowed the word as galvanism, and shortly after the verb galvanize came to life.

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